Friday, February 28, 2014

February 28 - Under sail ... getting nowhere

Today we set out at 6am.  We have 35 miles to travel and would like to sail some and maybe arrive early enough to enjoy our next anchorage.

As we motor our way out of Puerto Refugio, the wind starts to pick up.  This gets us excited as we want some wind to be able to sail.

But the wind is from the SSW and continues to increase.  Pretty soon it is in the teens, and we put a reef in the main.  Then it climbs some more and we put a second reef in.  Pretty soon it is blowing 18-20 knots gusting to around 25, and coming from exactly where we want to go.

Although we move at a decent clip, we cannot sail directly at our goal, and steep choppy seas start to kick up, making our forward progress difficult and unpleasant.  After an hour where we have made one mile of progress towards our goal, so we decide to head back to Puerto Refugio.

There is no reason to beat us and the boat up since we have no schedule to keep.  Instead we spend the rest of the day back at that morning´s anchorage.  We read and hang out, and Patrick goes out spearfishing, and manages to catch himself a big California Sheephead fish.

They look something like this

But unfortunately we´ve lost the GoPro in the process, so our photo montages and action shots will no longer grace your screens.

Next stop is Bahia de los Angeles, so hopefully we'll be able to upload some of these posts soon.

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